Just got back from the midnight show. I don't want to give anything away, and I really need to try to get to sleep (got to work in 5 hours), but Star Wars E3:ROTS was very good.

They dropped a lot of the cheesy things that they had in E1 and E2, but left a couple of humorous parts.

Questions are answered, stories are tied together.

Best part (Spoiler, don't read any more unless you want to know something about the movie, even though it is pretty minor)....
Jar Jar only gets about 10 seconds on screen max, and doesn't speak! YIPPY!!!!

Anyway, if you even remotely liked E1 or E2, you should really enjoy E3. Go check it out! By now all of the Star Wars fanatics should be gone, so you will be safe to see it without your lightsaber (which the guy from work I saw it with brought his mice Parks Saber and it was cool to see it in the dimly lit theater before the show, and even cooler outside afterwards at 2:30AM...)

Farewell - June 4, 2020