Ok. I just saw it. Here are my thoughts.

Terrible movie. Bad acting, ridiculous script. George really screwed this one.

Ok, now that I won't be lonely for the next week because of all the forthcoming hate mail, here is my real review.

I really enjoyed it. Sometimes how you feel about a movie changes over time, but for now I thought it was excellent. I thought Hayden Christensen did a much better job in this one and with the darker storyline it seemed the lines didn't come across as rough as they did in 1 & 2. Even the scenes between Anakin and Padme seemed pretty good, at least much better than in 2. The lightsaber battles were extremely well done. The nature and execution of the betrayl was flat out awesome. A couple of other thoughts.

The spoilers mentioned in the beginning of this thread that I had previously read turned out to be true. Wished I hadn't have known some of those. Loved the face off between the Chancellor and Mace. The scene that I had read about that I wondered that could have made it an "R" rating was hinted at but definitely not shown.

To me Anakin didn't become a sympathetic character until a little bit into Episode 3. I thought he was at his most likeable in the whole prequels at about 20-30 minutes into ROTS IMO. I have heard George say he wanted Anakin to be a hero, but I didn't feel that in 1 & 2. I thought Ewan McGregor did another very solid job. I loved the plotting and the slow but sure squeezing done by the Emperor. Some excellent moments in this one.

If I had to rate the movies as of right now it would go like this.

Phantom Menace: B-
Attack of the Clones: B-
Revenge of the Sith: A-
A New Hope: A
Empire Strikes Back: A+
Return of the Jedi: B+

That's right. I liked ROTS a little bit more than Jedi.