Originally Posted By: chesseroo
Originally Posted By: GOD

I started looking to purchase a mandoline yesterday.
Every search engine brought me to mandolin stuff. I looked it up in Webster's, to be sure I was spelling it correctly, and it wan't in there.

So I drove to the kitchen store to see if they had any at all, just to be sure that the internet was wrong, and there they were.

I returned home and added some slice-and-dice words to my search, and bang, scores of 'em.

$20-$250. Hmmm? Was planning to top out @ c-note.
Let's check out some of the user reviews for the better ones.

This is the one i bought for Christmas, sold to local restaurants.

Wanted one with a stand so one hand is not 100% concentrating on holding the unit upright, needed to be adjustable, completely washable, can be resharpened and a preference for at least two slicing types.

ChEsS!!!! That's it!! That's exactly the one I remember from all those snotty restaurants I worked in while pursuing my delusional art career.

And the name's so easy to remember. I jusy gotta keep recalling that it's bron, not blak.

holy note to self: dispensations for RooDog.

Always call the place you live a house. When you're old, everyone else will call it a home.