Yeah, I do owe a pic or two. I've spent the last couple of weeks gradually cleaning up the mess from all the plaster dust and continuing the apartment purge.

Despite the plaster being low dust, because I ended up doing a lot more plaster work than I intended to, and because I really didn't protect things properly to start, I've had to clean virtually every square inch of the living room. That's not really so bad as it has forced me to assess every single contend: keep, find a better home, junk.

Watching a few more movies, the paint is too reflective. It was my bad luck that the first 5 or 6 movies I watched really didn't have any material that showed hotspotting. The last movie I watched, The Life of Pi, did and it was not acceptable.

I'll live with it until I'm done cleaning and rearranging (and building a border for the screen).

I'll take some pics this weekend.


Blujays1: Spending Fred's money one bottle at a time, no two... Oh crap!