
As you know, I ordered the m50s to compare with my m22s, side by side. I ordered them because I thought the 22s were a little too forward for my tastes and thought that the m50s would be slightly less forward. I found the m50s to be too laid back, to the point of being boring. If you had the m50s alone, you would probably find them to be an adequate speaker. Initially, upon comparing the two, I found the differences between them to be minor. After about 2 weeks the gulf had widened and there was not any way I could justify keeping the m50s. Everyone in my household told me that the 22s were a much better speaker. They were anticipating the return of the 50s anxiously.

My advice would be to give the m22s a try. If you find you cannot live with their sound you could return them to Buffalo for $20. Then you could order the m50s, or the m3s which many have said sound similar.