

LOTR FOTR in the mines of Moria fighting the cave troll and later the Barlog at the Bridge of Khazad-dum.

I played these scenes and WoW I never heard my system sound so good. I think I'll be rewatching the LOTR again just to hear all the fx. My sub level is currently at about 8oclock

I have played that scene to everyone I’ve shown my system to. Not only do you get some nice bass but I think it really shows off the surround speakers. My room is totally blacked out so it really creates the impression I am in a huge cavern.

All the LOTRs movies sound great. Since I live in an apartment I don’t crank the volume so I found that the LRTRs movies sound better with the QS8s turned up. Lots of ambiant sounds I miss if I leave them turned down like the mains an sub.

Another movie I think has some nice sound effects especially in the battle scenes is called “Appleseed” It’s anime but the story is fairly mainstream. During the opening battle not only do you hear shots and explosions all around you but also the tink…tink…tink of empty shell casings hitting the ground. There is also a scene where a single gunshot comes from off screen right that caused me to snap my head around to look where it came from. I also like the soundtrack. Worth a rent IMHO.


3M80 2M22 6QS8 2M2 1EP500 Sony BDP-S590 Panny-7000 Onkyo-3007 Carada-134 Xbox Buttkicker AS-EQ1