I agree with Brandon. There are at least a few good reasons why separating the amp from the speakers makes a lot of sense to me.

1. This is obviously a point of personal preference, but I continue to believe very strongly that the "right tool for the job" of setting listening volume is a big, analog knob. Personally, I dislike having to access the streaming application and do it there. I know that you CAN put such a knob on the speaker (and it appears Axiom has chosen to do both).

2. If you have the knob on the speaker, it either has to be on the front (functional but UNSIGHTLY) or on the back (pretty limited use, to me). To reiterate what Brandon said, having a separate amp module also differentiates the speakers from other competing models, both in terms of functionality and appearance, but also (I believe) in perceived quality.

3. Having the volume control on the separate box enables not only more flexible speaker placement but also affords the opportunity to interact with - to touch - the Quality inherent in the product.

4. Perhaps most importantly, separating out the components affords Axiom with a product diversification platform to realize some of the suggestions already made (different crossover methodology, additional inputs, stand-alone small amp, headphone outputs, etc.). The initial offering isn't "the end".

So, I'm very much in favor of adding the outboard amp and reaping the benefits of its ongoing evolution.

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