I must say that this is getting a little out of hand.....
Someone asked for opinions, was given a few that do not completely agree, and a free for all has ensued.

I see thinly veiled references to opinions placed by people who do not agree with you. I agree that opinions are subjective, but we should not insult a difference of opinion. You mentioned that your choice was an interim step. This indicates that you know that there is higher quality pieces available. You mentioned that you viewed some of the short listed equipement as the next step, indicating above your choice in some areas. Your choice was made like any other person makes theirs - budget, needs, and wants. Perhaps peatro's budget allows him to look at what you may consider the next logical step, above your stop gap piece. He provided the list, opinions were provided.

I also have no problem admitting that something I don't own is better than a comparable piece I do own.....I start working to obtain that better piece, all the while admitting I have found something I consider to be better....again IN MY OPINION. Just in case that was a shot at me;)

Thanks for the compliment (again....cheque is in the mail LOL)

Let's not take this to the common street thug level.
