First off, I am pro-Axiom!

If you want to post here or anywhere and act as if someone died and made you the audiogod, I will call you on it. Sorry. Didn't you hear? Someone died and made me an audiogod-wannabe bounty hunter!

I have no qualms with you in this thread, oh wait, now I do. Thanks!

As for double-blind listening and anyone's opinions? I do not care. If you cannot tell the difference you should not spend more $$$. Unfortunately it is difficult to setup such tests while shopping. Now, as far as my ears hearing differences between a Denon 3802 and a Yamaha 2200 (there's more at work here than just "amps") - there is a difference I believe most can hear without straining.

As for dedicated amps sounding all the same? I don't think the $5K Krell would sound exactly like the $300 Onkyo, but your wallet and spouse will be happier if you couldn't appreciate the (likely) subtle differences, and bought the lower-priced item. I'm a big believer in "whatever floats your boat" ...