With all due respect (simply stated so you don't tell me to butt out - very rude, this is an open forum), I think you both have stated your opinions in various tones. BBIBH makes a good point when he/she states that his/her posts are logical and not insulting. While we are all entitled to our opinions, no one person is right, and no one person is wrong. Alan made a comment that promoted a couple of products over your choice. But you did not take him to task.

Here is a thought, you mentioned that your Yamaha was a stop gap. If budget was the limiting item, and you had double the money - I have seen your Yamaha listed in a range of $700-$900 - is this still a sound choice for you?

I guess BBIBH presented brands above this range to provide balance. The orig. poster has more to spend, and he asked for the list.

I read the thread, and can see both sides, but the majority of ill sounding comments comes from Mr. Also.

You both have your positions, and defend them as required.

Let us get back to the original posted questions.