Just listening to the tirade going on here LOL...
The 761 is 1400$ CAN. All my budget would be gone. So far just by reading more on the web and listening to a few of the posts here my short list has dropped off one brand; ROTEL.

Thanks to BBIBH (sp?), I have been looking at other brands which I don't know much about ..(and wow there is nice stuff when you really go high -end). I am not even sure how much some of these even cost in CAN dollars so they may be out of reach for me budget wise :(, these brands are:
ARCAM, OUTLAW, and on and on ( insert BBIBH's high-end list here).

One thing I have been noticing is the shipping weight of each piece (not sure if it realy matters) but, I've heard that the weight of a piece is directly porportional to the qualtity (build) . I have to be carefull when comparing weights because the pieces must be similar in power /function.
So far the king of the hill in weight is:
NAD - 761 = 39 lbs.
NAD - 751 = 38 lbs.
DENON -3802 = 36lbs
YAMAHA -v1200 = 33 Lbs
DENON - 2802 = 25lbs (ewwh)
ROTEL - 972 = 33 lbs

The denon 2802, is actually the lightweight of the whole bunch.
Anyways they weight thing is just another parameter I will use for my decision process.

thanks folks, keep the informative posts coming.
and bee carefull out there.
