Originally Posted By: MarkSJohnson

Try Facebook before you dismiss it.

Here's where some differ from others.
Some people have no desire to live in the past and feel nostalgic about having to find people they knew 10 years ago. Although i am curious to know where some of my old university friends ended up i don't feel the need to have to have that answer enough to track them down using online 'tools'. If they were that good as good friends at the time, i would still be in contact with them now as i already have been long before facebook came about.

Some people feel that need to have to know and to connect and maybe have literally hundreds of people they want to remain in contact with if they are social butterflies a la Paris Hilton; others live in the present and for the future rather than reliving the past or maintain smaller social circles where a networking tool is simply not required. It is another online sensation that over time, will pass, and something else will take its place. It started with the likes of IRC chat (or the old 'bulletin boards' during dialup days of Commodores), moved to things like ICQ, then myspace, now facebook, twitter, etc.
I can only imagine what will come next.

Of course one cannot dismiss the REAL alternate reason to avoid social networking, because clearly big brother is watching...recording...making lists...

"Those who preach the myths of audio are ignorant of truth."