I accept these as science fact:

1. Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas.
2. Largely due to the burning of fossil fuels, atmospheric carbon dioxide levels are rising.

To me, it logically follows that as a result, the Earth's surface temperature will rise, and therefore, I have some concern about global warming. Of course, I don't know how much the temperature will go up, or what effect it will have. I think that it's reasonable to continue to scientifically try to predict that, and in the meantime, it's understandable that our elected officials and policymakers will debate what is exactly going on and what we should do about it.

The best starting point I have found for people who don't seem to appreciate the CO2 issue is this info-cartoon from National Geographic: Carbon Bathtub. I suggest reading the brief article first and then checking out the graphic.

Bears, beets, Battlestar Galactica.