"There is good evidence..."

You see that's where my research from non MSM sources has led me to completely different conclusions to yourself.

I am not saying surface temperatures haven't been rising - they have, just as they have been since the last ice age. Has mankind accelerated this at all? Honestly I have found no reliable evidence that this is the case.

How much of the surface temperature rises are due to urban growth is a really hot topic at the moment. Also, it does appear that some "Climate scientists" - whatever that means - have been more than selective with their data - possibly to the point of ignoring 75% of temperature stations readings.

What I have found is a scientific community saying a lot of "we think this" and "we think that" which then goes through the political machine (usually the IPCC) to say "we now know this and we now know that". I have also found a scientific community where the scientific method has been undermined by politics and ideology where scientists who have doubts are scared to voice them or even worse, have difficultuy getting their work published.

It is worth asking how anyone can predict something as complex as the weather to the opoint where they're predicting temperature rises by 1,2,5 degrees c in a hundred years when they can't predict the weather in my area one month from now.

Just ask people in the UK about their views on the reliability of the Met office over there for a classic case in point.

Don't you think it would be a real shame if massive amoutns of the worlds resources went into combatting C02 only to find that C02 isn't a pollutant (which it isn't).

I am assuming that you research disregarded almost anything Mr Gore says. He is so far off base it's a joke. Also, anything from the IPCC I do not consider as objective science.

Now this is how you learn Philosophy :
