Thanks, Dean. Great story.

Excellent point, Jack. "National Security" remains a valid concept for me, and I would absolutely agree that energy independence is a huge and growing problem in that regard.

Adrian, I don't mind being labeled a "non-believer". And, though it is standard party political procedure, I do resent it when Greens (or other extremists) dismiss detractors as stupid or evil. It's "better" to be a teacher or at least a participant than simply be intellectually arrogant.

Perhaps it would be more fun - more constructive - for us to brainstorm ways in which our families could make positive changes in this area without continuing to strive for consensus over the bigger picture.

For my own part, I am trying very hard to avoid buying new stuff. I recognize that consumerism (and especially the related manufacturing) takes an enormous amount of energy. We drive our cars a LONG time, for instance.

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