Originally Posted By: medic8r
Mark's absolutely right. Her rant insured that you would not buy anything from them. I know that you had not planned to buy anything going in, but if she had treated you nicer, then she would have had at least some chance of doing business with you. But instead of trying to build a relationship with a potential customer, she got antagonistic and confronational. Way to go, genius.

When i get that kind of attitude in a store, i just ask to speak to the manager and explain to them how the salesperson was just rude, assuming, or whatever the issue was that i found offensive as a consumer/potential customer/human being.
It is amazing how fast a manager will reprimand staff and be more open to the customer if they've been told of a situation where the salesperson could have used alot more tact and alot less personal attitude.

I know i posted about an experience i had years ago at one of our local stores, Advance Electronics. Not a box store, but reasonably sized and carry lots of stuff ("high" end to less expensive fair). The salesman came in as i was listening to something in their 'high' end room, Mcintosh amps, Totem Winds (4k/pair), etc. He started in with the cable thing. I told him i don't believe in that, and basic electronic reasoning (30 words or less). He got so offended he made a comment about my Axiom speakers saying i wouldn't hear a difference with such low quality gear so it wouldn't matter.
I called back after and spoke with the manager. Told him i was going to buy some gear and instead left the store because of this attitude. The manager had it right. He said to me "that salesperson should have kept their opinions to himself". He offered me a 5% discount off the item i was considering but i never did go back later.
Perhaps some people are asking for a salesperson's opinion, but if not, and in the audio world of snobbery, they have to be more sensitive to what they say to people especially if they make comments about the personal choices of that person standing in front of them.

"Hey the car you drive is electric blue. What a bad choice for you to have made. You should buy our clearly nicer red car".
Ever hear a car salesman tell you such a ridiculous thing when you walked into a showroom?

One's personal choices shouldn't be criticized by a salesman. If people want criticism, they join forums.

"Those who preach the myths of audio are ignorant of truth."