Originally Posted By: nickboros
If you have a PS3, they why do you want the Denon to begin with? The PS3 streams Netflix, plays DVD's, Blu-ray's, Games, etc. In my mind the Denon would be a step down.

What, people aren't paying attention to my whining? Netflix is a non-issue for me right now, but I want a good device for streaming my media. I don't have a really good way to stream my music collection. I'm using the WD TV Live, but I had to convert my collection from lossless WMA to FLAC. It works, but the interface isn't the best and is kind of slow. The PS3 finally supported lossless WMAs before I converted my collection, but the playback had its hiccups. The other thing is that the PS3 outputs a signal that my pre-pro won't apply matrixed surround modes to, which is something I consider a must-have. If the Denon supports FLAC, has a good interface, and plays my music in a stereo signal that my pre-pro can apply surround modes to, then it's the player I'm looking for.