Originally Posted By: nickboros
The flagship Denon retails for $4500. Yes, a good portion of that $4500 went to beefing up the analog audio section, but do you think that less than a year later they would take all of that digital and audio performance a stuff it and extra features into an entry level player? Not unless their sole purpose was to put Oppo out of business regardless of whether they are taking a big loss on each player sold.

I can only guess as to their reasoning, but I would think they suckered about as many people as they're going to with that $4500 unit. I'm sure they can still turn a profit with their new entry level player without it being a total piece of garbage. Lesser analog section and video scaling than the OPPO? They simply put their emphasis on UI instead. At least I'm hoping. Now if only they would release a more realistically priced pre-pro that has newer features.