Originally Posted By: Ajax
Originally Posted By: BobKay
You never told me you took steroids!

Well, I only started taking them 3 weeks ago. I find I am a more agressive driver and I could eat a Ford Pinto if I could find one. I, personally, am consuming 2/3 of the M&Ms and 1/2 of the Breyers Vanilla Fudge Twirl ice cream being produced today.

Been there... Steroids are gross! And they make everything taste like you first licked a metal pipe! Only had the rage thing when I took myself off morphine w/o permission. I wanted people to get outta their cars to fight me! ME!?! My hair was much blacker then, so, luckily, no one took me up on it.

Always call the place you live a house. When you're old, everyone else will call it a home.