You guys will not want to hear what I've discovered with my Onk multi-channel receiver vs my Pioneer stereo mid-grade audiophile receiver.

With my Onk, I don't have more than 10dB of dynamic range at less than a watt per channel in stereo. At a louder volume level of 6W per channel, I have no more than 3dB of dynamic range.

This is in stark contrast to the Pioneer that has at least 20dB of range. frown

Even though the Onk can dump over 170W into each channel in steady-state, dynamically it's a eunuch!

Now I question where this limiting is taking place. Is it at the last amplifier stage or at the pre-amp?

This is ridiculous. The industry needs standards to protect consumers.

Thanks for the input so far. 55W per channel won't cut it for my stereo setup and it certainly won't cut it for my main space.