It's pretty simple in my mind. We already know the woofer array can take in excess of 4500 peak Watts. We know this because Axiom is selling systems with a 1500-1 for each woofer array. So if the woofer array is sized for 4500W, what should the mid and tweeter arrays be sized for? Well, if we make the reasonable assumption that 60% of the musical power is bass (that's 4500W), 34% is mids and 6% is highs, that brings us to 0.36*4500=1530W peak required for mids and 0.06*4500=270W peak required for highs. So as a maximum system size, you'd need:

- 4500W peak for bass
- 1530W peak for front mids
- 1530W peak for rear mids
- 270W peak for front highs
- 270W for rear highs

I've made the assumption that front and back are fed the same amount of power. This may or may not be the case depending on the design of the filters and how the BGC switch is set.

If we go with what I have above, then each active LFR needs:

- ADA 1500-1 for bass array
- ADA 1000-2 (one for the front mids and one for the back)
- ADA 1000-2 (one for the front highs and one for the back)

But how do you optimize the power delivery for a system of two? You'd do the following:

- Two 1500-1 for the woofer array per LFR
- Two 1000-3 for the front mid and the two tweeter arrays per LFR
- One 1000-2 for the rear mids per LFR.

One last thought. The above is maximum system sizing for absolute max SPL that these things can deliver. Keep in mind that I can blow my brains out with an ADA-1000-2 and M100v4 in my 4,200 cu. ft. room sitting 12 feet away.

Last edited by Mojo; 09/26/19 04:02 PM.