Michael d

I’ll look at that nvidia. Thanks. Never heard of it.

I’ve never used pandora. I use Spotify the most. Whenever I come across a new artist name or tune I just search and like it in Spotify. I use the note pad in my phone as my phone is usually with me. ( never wanted an iPhone in the first place, it was free so I said sure I’ll try it out , and now I use it a lot. Addictive little gadget ) Then I search further for better recordings of that artist.

I’ve just started a free trial on Tidal so I have less feedback there. But I REALLY like the interface of Spotify. It’s fantastic. If Spotify went Hi res I’d be a one stream app person.

Something I’d like to do is get all my cds ( hundreds ) into a hard drive. My one thing I don’t like about streaming is I don’t own the music. I have a great collection but it’s not “ mine”. Must be a way to rip / record those files to a hard drive.

M60ti Hafler9505 & JFET Pre,Axiom Transformer. M3 Marantz PM7200 Dual 606 Denon 2700 M2 Yammy RX595