There's been a ton of posts about receiver choices, mostly centered on power ratings, dsp modes, etc. While these are important, that information is generally available from the manufacturer and the choice between those typically comes down to the individual's needs, what they consider to be important and the compromises they're willing to make.

What i'm interested in here is user functionality - things that can make a unit either a joy or a hassle to use. I think those can be much more important than an extra 5 watts or 4 extra dsp modes that will never get used anyway. They're the little conveniences or annoyances that you encounter daily. Too many times I've poured through stats, etc. to make a choice and end up not using half the bells and whistles I thought were important and that I had to have, only to find some other feature or lack thereof to be much more relevant on a day to day basis.

So, what receiver do you own and what do you love or hate about it that you wouldn't have known about without actually using it?