Originally Posted by Rebulx
From what i've learned and heard. The best speakers perform at 90%, can be purchased for 2k-4k. For that extra 10% you have to spend 20k-100K more. it's only 10% and not everyone can hear it. But it's there, and it's real, but it's really hard to justify.

The Omni Actives are an anomaly to that theory.
This is into the realm of audio myths.
There's many out there.
No one could ever peg such a number to things though some people believe in them enough they get ensconced in the audio world of belief. Years ago i heard things like how to break down your home audio budget.
40% speakers, 40% preamp/amp, 15% source, 5% cables, etc. etc. in many other numerical variations

What was that song lyric?
Don't believe the hype.

The three biggest factors on how humans perceive sound and quality if you will at any given time and place:
a) speakers
b) room
c) state of mind (e.g. personal emotion and mood)

"Those who preach the myths of audio are ignorant of truth."