Alan, thanks for the feedback. We are going to try them in MONO and see what shakes. We plan to take at least 4 hours to do this just to be fair to all the speakers. Each will be calibrated via a SPL and we are going to go to the point of measuring out each speaker to make sure it sits exactly the same as the one before it. I have also gone ahead and ordered a VP-100 to compare against my VP-150. This is just for fun. When I'm done the VP-100 goes to the back wall and I may go 8.1 or 9.1 from my current 7.1.

My wife is going to shoot me as I still have not told her and chances are everything will probably show-up the start of this week. Maybe I can tell her I got them for her for mothers day?..............Might work.............but I have my doubts!

At the end of all this I will still have Axiom's. The only question is what set?