Jeff, all of my interconnects came from Blue Jeans. I use the Belden 1694A with the Canare connectors. Well made and reasonably priced (as opposed to Monster Price). I'm not a big believer in the "magic" of super copper, silver and gold - Blue Jeans stuff just works. As a matter of fact, I have the 2900 hooked up with Blue Jeans component cables.

I notice you also use the Denon 3803. How do you like it? I moved up from the 1803 to get mine (nothing more compelling than upgradeitis ).

I was just about to add another post when I saw your reply here. Just thinking out loud. The Scratch & Dent unit at Crutchfield isn't going to last and it's at a killer price. You might consider grabbing it right now. You are going to spend money on a DVD player anyhow and the shipping to and from is free (double check that BTW). Worst case is that you try it for 30 days and ship it back. Best case is you love it (and you will) and you save another $100 to boot. Also pay no sales tax.

Once you get all settled down with the DVD thing and you are enjoying movies, we need to get you into a Home Theater master MX-700 remote with the money you save on the DVD player . You can set it up to make that 3803 dance, including individual + / - controls for each of your speakers and subwoofer.

Let us know how this all works out for you.