Ray and Coach,

I want to thank you both for your replies here, makes me feel a lot better about spending $650 on the 2900. (My Dad thought I had fallen on my head when I told him how much it cost, LOL)

Could either of you provide a link to the blue jean cable you are referring too? I am not having a lot of luck when searching for the link. I will need cables very soon, as I should finish buying all my components in the next couple of weeks.

Again, thank you very much for the posts, a lot of good information.

BTW - I am also considering buying the MX-700 remote. I was waiting until I had the remote from the 3805 to see if I needed the MX-700. I have read good reviews on the MX-700, but would be very interested in your thoughts.

Del D

Last edited by DelD; 11/24/04 06:08 AM.