Originally Posted By: Cactrot

Say what you will about the others but avsforum is awesome.

I know that I wasn't quoted in this response, but as one of the original members on AVS (back before the whole site loss and re-sign up for everyone) it was one of my favorite places. I just stay away from the areas where the nitwits post (just a few bad apples in some of the forum areas really spoils it). If you are still able to wade through the little bit of crap and find the good stuff over there, it IS a good resource. I just have better things to do with my life, so I just steer clear of those areas that like to bash products without any knowledge of them just because they aren't what is the current "flavor of the month" or what a particular member thinks is the best.

I think that is the general feeling of a lot of people, even people from the other forums you mention seem to share this feeling about AVS. It was bound to happen since they are the biggest A/V forum out there, and while it wasn't always that way, it has grown big enough that the "riff-raff" was bound to get in.

Farewell - June 4, 2020