Wow, they have quite the thing going there. Good amount of staff, lots of demos, and the 10 minute "home theater room" demo was quite impressive....

Now, I know better, but holy crap, no wonder the Bose "stuff" (was going to say junk, but whatever) is so expensive. They had a fully sound treated room with theater seats and such set up. Part way through the demo (that would have worked great for ANY decent speaker brand) they "uncover" the speakers (they had fake speaker "shells" on stands to cover up the little cubes) and some of the people in the room were all amazed. Then they monkeyed around with putting the center channel in a box and how the system could calibrate itself to fix the sound (the demo just faked bad sound as it was an "instant" calibration). Again, people were amazed by this magic... Thinking that the system will sound outstanding in any room of their home, and it will some how cancel out echos and other room acoustic issues.

Again, like I said, I was impressed. Not with the products, but just the length that they go to make you think that you are getting the best speaker package out there. The demo used works like "...only with a Bose system..." and so forth.

Lies and garbage... Made me feel like it was election time again, but again, I was impressed with the (sneaky and dirty, I know) presentation.

Even the 2 guys I was with were about ready to drop $4,000 on a bose cube setup. It was like I was talking to two brick walls...

At least they didn't buy anything today. Maybe in the future I'll be able to help them to "see the light"... Then again, they live here in New York, and I won't be back for probably 6 months...

Farewell - June 4, 2020