Can't... stop...

Microsoft Windows 7: upgrade starts at $99
OS X Snow Leopard: $29

Proprietary designs? Proprietary designs? Dude, Microsoft is the mother of proprietary designs, at least when it comes to software
Active Directory
the list goes on.

Of course, they have some open stuff too.

Now, one can easily argue that proprietary designs aren't all bad, heck, maybe they're not bad at all. But you cannot hold Microsoft up as example of a company that doesn't use proprietary designs.

Apple? Well, they use a lot of open source stuff. Yes, the iPod is closed. Yes, it only works with iTunes by design, and vice versa. Yes, OS X only runs on Apple hardware (by design). But when they can use open source, they tend to do so, and they return to the community (sometimes). Webkit would be a prime example. AAC is also an open standard. Is WMA? Not to my knowledge.

Personally, I find Microsoft's advertising to be more insipid, annoying, and counter-factual than Apple's, but that's my perspective. I can't argue that Apple's ads aren't misleading to some degree (hey, what happened to PC gamers?), but they're hardly in a league of their own.

I am the Doctor, and THIS... is my SPOON!