Funny I had only just noticed a month ago that you were a member over at AV123 when I happened to be lurking over there. Looks like you’ve been here a lot longer than most of us so I’m not sure who should be inviting whom to the party. I got a kick out of your new avatar over there, I just saw it earlier.

I’ve read good reviews of many of there products from people who’s opinions I’ve come to respect. While I admit a certain sadistic satisfaction watching some of the most rabid fanboys get their comeuppance I would hate to see the company fail. Many people deserve the products owed to them and no one in the AV customer community wins by reducing competition. However, it’s hard to see them weathering this storm considering the already bad economy, their subwoofer problems and now the goodwill they are bound to loose over this. MLS and his hardcore fanbase were IMO a driving force in the companies success, hard to see how that continues unless maybe he wins the court case or it gets thrown out. Maybe it can re-brand itself but I’m not sure the present business model is going to be viable for them.

3M80 2M22 6QS8 2M2 1EP500 Sony BDP-S590 Panny-7000 Onkyo-3007 Carada-134 Xbox Buttkicker AS-EQ1