Originally Posted By: Dr. House

You brought up another excellent point that is pertinent about buying online and one of the "warning signs" and that is active censorship on the company forum (if it has one). You have been seeing this with their moderators or employees and also long time supporters of the company recommending, downplaying or staying quiet on very important and serious issues that they are fully aware when people ask about their products. Most of these individuals that got suckered in within the last year or so are probably going to be without a warranty . On a separate note I am also noticing a lot of censorship at Emotiva lately (which makes them not very attractive to me as a company)

Thanks for emphasizing this point, it is IMO one of the biggest warning signs to look for. Also the heavy handed censorship at Emo is nothing new. It happens every time someone starts complaining. There just happens to be a lot more of that right now because of those unhappy with their new pre-processor roll out. I see a lot of red flags at that company too.

There is another form of censorship to watch for, that of the forum member themselves.

Sloped, your point is well taken “I don't think you should generalize like that. Couple people there, a couple people here.” Every forum has it’s fanboys and even when not fanboys people have a tendency to circle the wagons when they feel attacked. But kcarlile’s comment and more accurately Dr. House’s re-write are valid. There is hardly an internet forum I’ve seen that wasn’t invaded by AV123 fanboys if someone posted a less than glowing review of one of their products. It’s the worst I’ve ever seen and Axiom was only a small portion of it.

Another bad sign is when Google auto completes “av123 p” to “av123 problems.”

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