I like to call them Mini-Me 123 (in a Dr. Evil voice). Thanks for posting that. Emovita is questionable these days. They certainly lack professionalism in the way they conduct business. Censorship and the way they are handling issues of the UMC-1 which is a totally faulted product btw makes them look really shady to me. They screwed up, live with it, don't try to mislead, censor the customer and also treat them with respect.

I get a true sense of a company in how they handle adverse sitiuations and how they deal with its customers. Remember how Mini-Me 123 and 123 handled themselves when they were together with problematic products? If I'm not mistaken I think it was a pre-pro that created a lot of problems?

I’m armed and I’m drinking. You don’t want to listen to advice from me, amigo.

-Max Payne