So - If we had a system that did not force singles into paying higher taxes, to receive lower benefits, and no reasonable choices for handling an estate, that would weaken marriage ?

As for the state performing a marriage, All one needs to do is get a license, and have whatever ceremony, if any, one desires. In other words, you can ELECT to say in sickness and health, but there is no legal requirement.

You need a license to drive, own a bar, start an insurance company ... but you don't need a license to have children.

Why do we need a license to get married ? Because politicans passed laws saying we did, and we as lemmings said "OK".

All of the attributes you ascribed to "traditional marriage" had nothing to do with the government, either. Barn building, gift giving - that was all private.

If two people want to declare a lifetime commitment to each other, and others want to build them a barn, that is a private matter.

If Spiff and Roger want to marry, that is wonderful. I just don't think the government should have ANYTHING to say about it, and I also think that Spiff and Roger should not be punished either way. They should be able to declare a commitment to each other without some govt. saying "We approve - here is your license".

Nor should they be punished financially if they don't wish to marry.