And here's a wonderful letter penned by one of our fellow Americans that appeared in my local paper today:

"Guerrilla warfare

Listening to our president last week, I was reminded of events that unfolded 229 years ago.

An army marched into battle dressed in those famous red coats with shiny buttons and polished boots. The troops marched in formation as they advanced on their enemy.

We know what the end result was -- liberty for a ragtag army of patriots.

The reaction of those in the red coats? They protested that this army wasn't fighting according to the rules. The soldiers hid in trees and bushes, and they didn't wear uniforms.

Today, I guess they would be called illegal combatants. This band of patriots was fighting a war on its own turf against an occupying force whose commanders sought to define the terms of combat.

Are there any similarities today in these arenas of war?



Keep in mind that I live in an area where college degrees are few and far between. Regardless, it still blows my mind.