Hi Ajax,

Thanks for the info. Hey, could you tell me what set up you have?

Bottom line: I want what you guy's have. If I have to piece-meal it or work up to it through "upgradeinitis", so be it. But I know this: You, Tom, Rick, Mojo and the rest of the gang that have responded, are very informed on the industry, and for me personally, it says a lot about Axiom, that you're posting here, and paying attention to one of a thousand Noobie threads about which HT system to buy, means that you're not only knowledgeable about speakers, but are passionate about it too.

I'd like to look back and say, "Remember when I was buying my first system with you guys?!" I'm a forum kinda of guy, and it means a lot to see your devotion to Axiom.

...So...anyway, get the M60's and HSU sub to start? Build on that with QS8's, V150's, etc., Stick with Axiom and build a sweet system that thousands know to be good? Or go with another brand, save a buck or three, be in ingnorant bliss?

Regarding the HSU sub...I'm looking at it based on recommendation only... the EP500 looks mighty nice to me, but spendy. I'd like to stick to 1 brand, I think conceptually, there's a synergy there because the engineers are like-minded with a single brand, but sub-wise, I don't know if it matters...

Anyhoo, thanks for all the advice guys...remember, I'm Christmas shopping and have some time left until the funds are ready.