Originally Posted By: Hutzal
There is one wild card that Toshiba has yet to play. It is the exclusive production of Combo HD DVD and DVD being the only DVD release for big blockbusters.

If Toshiba would take a loss and put out HD DVD / DVD Combo discs and convince the studios not to release a DVD variant, I believe that they could steal this whole war. Maybe price the Combo Disc a little higher, but still, the consumer would have no choice but to buy the DVD and HD DVD...and they'll say to themselves after multiple combo disc purchases, "I have all these HD DVD's I probably should just go out and buy a player". Done, Toshiba has accomplished their job.

They need to be aggressive with their combo discs. I believe this is the only way that HD DVD has a chance of winning this war. If they start to do this exclusively, I think Warner will come back to HD DVD.

So you're OK with the consumers getting screwed even more just so HD-DVD wins the war? By screwed I mean all the people who have DVD players and no HD players having to pay more just to get the title they want on DVD.