Interesting question Bob. I had to do some reminiscing to recall why I bought Axiom about five years ago, and why I still BS on this forum.

I had planned to install a whole home audio system in the house I built. I pre-wired it was wandering around custom shops listening to ceiling speakers and multi room electronics, and came to the conclusion that they all sounded like crap. That led me to abandon that idea and I started to listen to full range speakers. I listened to dozens from Polk to Wilson at shops and in homes of friends and friends of friends. Out of everything I listened to, I landed on Paradigm Reference. I don’t recall the model, but they were about six grand for the pair. I had credit card in hand and was going to call the shop to order a pair when on a whim I did a Google search to see what else might be out there from on-line suppliers. I figured it couldn’t hurt and I might even save a few bucks. I found a couple audio geek forums and posted a question. I think it was Audiohaulics that pointed me to Axiom… I had close to twenty different brands that folks recommended I listen to based on my preference for the way the Paradigm Refs sounded. I ended up narrowing down my choice between Axiom and AV123’s premier line. Both had in home trial periods and both had excellent customer service. In the end, the free shipping from Axiom won my business, as it was going to cost me close to eight hundred to ship the AV123 speakers to me (and the same amount to ship them back if I didn’t like them). The M80’s showed up and I thought they sounded great, so I kept them. I’ve since bought more sets of Axiom speakers.

To why I still hang out here….. I’m still wondering why. \:\) I suppose it’s the friendly atmosphere and all the great unbiased audio / video, and “non-audio” advice I get here. Feathers get ruffled from time to time, but the board members for the most part are a good bunch of guys and gals and I’ve even made a few friends along the way.

Would I buy Axiom again?? I see little reason to not buy them again. I like their sound, their customer service is top notch, and, you can have the speakers finished any way you want with just about any species of wood or vinyl you want.