Hi StuntGibborn, thanks for your post
Fitting the Epic80-500 in the room is no problem. I'm the kind of person that doesn't over clutter a room, especially the living/HT area. I like to keep it simple. This room will topically only have in it the Epic80-500, two stands for the QS8s, flat panel LCD TV on it's own stand, audio bench in front of TV to place VP150 on and DVD/Bluray disc's, 3 seater couch and an audio rack/tower to place Receiver/ Bluray player and possible other components on.
The M80's are similar size to what I had back home but cabinets are deaper.
It's funny my wife use to ask me...do you really need speakers that big?? My answer was do you really need to buy other handbag? She doesn't ask me anymore hahaha