
Mostly just a welcome also from me. Your mention of being 90% decided on the 3808 (any component really), made me chuckle in thinking of my AVR decision journey. \:\) I do recall feeling pretty good at the 90% decided stage of which Axioms and which AVR to buy... Having finally settled on and ordered my F.O. Axioms I do feel good there. I don't want to infect you with my 'do I wait for a new 38xx model-itis', but suffice it to say, being at even 95% decided still feels like the decision is just around (yet another) corner! \:D But hopefully you do not suffer as much from Waffle-itis as Dean and I do. After all, you have already changed countries! How tough can an AVR choice be by comparison! ;\)

Again, welcome.
PS. I thought I sensed a Kiwi accent in those key strokes! I'd love to visit New Zealand. I have heard such wonderful things about it. I have visited the 'big island' to the west and loved that experience.


"In theory, practice and theory are the same. In practice they're not."