Originally Posted By: grunt

Which ones are you looking at. I’ve changed models at least 4 times ending up right back where I started. Though I had the screen nailed down but now I’m totally waffling on that. I need someone to start shooting at me, I make much better decisions when the adrenaline is flowing.

Better decisions or more expensive ones? (then i guess you'll get one better) \:\)

My final PJ choice will partly depend on the room I end up sticking all this in, and how much budget I have left (and if I am not too house poor.) Also might depend how long the hunt takes and when the actual move and build-out takes place. There may be better choices in either features or price then.

In the plenty of money left category, I'm thinking about the JVC DLA-HD750 which can currently be found for a bit under $6k. In the not so much money left category, I might go with something like the BenQ W5000 which is more in the $1800 neighborhood.