Reddragon, meet Zimm. He's a gift, really!

 Originally Posted By: Zimm
Welcome. But you can't just come in and say "I got it all worked out." Utter confusion and hand wringing is preferred for the first 500 posts. So chew on this: For your small room and growing savings, I would suggest the M60s over the M80s. The review Alan posted on the M80s points out that in a small room, the M60 may be the better bet. Plus, the ability to move away from the wall is diminished in a small room.

And, the 60s would save a few pounds (in shipping) and yen to buy some headphones for those late nights the neighbors might not appreciate. If you plan to move to another large room in the next 10 years, then choose the M80.

In other words, only buy the 80s after you have scripted out the next decade!

No, no, stop...I'm just happy to help, no thanks needed. ;\)

Zimm, even though I did not read that 'first 500 post' requirement in the FAQ, I am well on my hand wringing way. \:\)

Red, though the hand wringing/ waffling psychosis is rampant here (prime offender here), if it is not your nature, "Step AWAY from the cliff!" It's like being on drugs. The highs are so good, and the lows (not to be confused with great LFE!) are, well confusing and frustrating. Chances are that you are one of 'us', but if not... save yourself! \:D

Zimm, we only need to plan out TEN years?? Crap, I'm attempting to plan out TWENTY FIVE years. Ten years I could do in my sleep! Pffhhht! And stop being so modest... ;\)


"In theory, practice and theory are the same. In practice they're not."