From my other recent posts you can gather that I'm upgrading my home theatre. I've bought a new TV and will soon be buying a new receiver/pre-pro and Blu-Ray player.

Now I want to upgrade my speaker setup but I'm not sure I want to pony up for all of the potential upgrades. I thought I'd list them and see what others thought would have the largest improvement in the listening experience - which is primarily TV and movies with some music sprinkled in occasionally.

Please recommend what you think would offer the largest improvement or wow factor.
  • Buy M2s as height channels (either PLIIz or DSX)
  • Upgrade VP150 to VP180
  • Purchase another EP500 to give me dual EP500s
  • Sell EP500 and purchase dual Epik Empires (or Legends) - caveat: not sure I can get these in Canada so this might be a moot suggestion
  • Upgrade M60v2 to M80v3
What does everyong think?

