Originally Posted By: icehawk21
From my other recent posts you can gather that I'm upgrading my home theatre. I've bought a new TV and will soon be buying a new receiver/pre-pro and Blu-Ray player.

Now I want to upgrade my speaker setup but I'm not sure I want to pony up for all of the potential upgrades. I thought I'd list them and see what others thought would have the largest improvement in the listening experience - which is primarily TV and movies with some music sprinkled in occasionally.

Please recommend what you think would offer the largest improvement or wow factor.
  • Buy M2s as height channels (either PLIIz or DSX)
  • Upgrade VP150 to VP180
  • Purchase another EP500 to give me dual EP500s
  • Sell EP500 and purchase dual Epik Empires (or Legends) - caveat: not sure I can get these in Canada so this might be a moot suggestion
  • Upgrade M60v2 to M80v3
What does everyong think?



You are right, Epik, strangely enough, STILL doesn't sell in to Canada and when they did at the beginning their shipping charges were horrendous. Apparently the business model is not there yet for them to get any sort of meaningful deal from a major shipper to go beyond the lower 48. Even if you can have it shipped to a US address, they won't honor the warranty. Not worth the hassle. Interesting to note,however, they have set up a distributorship in Europe.

On another note the VP180 is a large leap beyond the 150, size notwithstanding.

Last edited by casey01; 11/05/10 04:26 PM.