Originally Posted By: Senator

After looking at more comb filtering effect research, I am still leaning toward the upside down T-shape idea with the horizontal VP-180 just below the TV, angled slightly up toward the ear level at the seated position and the vertical M80 above the TV, angled down toward the ear level at the seated viewing position.

First, let me echo the sentiments of those above who say that a dual M80/VP180 configuration is overkill. However, . . . yes there’s always a “however,” if money is no object (i.e. there’s nothing better you can think of to spend the extra money on) then the idea of a dual M80/VP180 configuration has also intrigued me based on extensive listening to both vertical and horizontal center configurations. This is the best configuration I came up with when I lived in an apartment (scroll down for the pictures):


Here is my present configuration:


If you want all the details you can read through those threads but here is what I’ve found in a nutshell. 3 identical tower speakers on the same plain across the front are the best for music hands down. Having one of the vertical towers above the screen (as long as the midrange drivers aren’t far apart) creates a nice wall of sound that sounds equally good for both music and movies, but can cause a lead singer and drummer to sound like they are on a dais. Having a horizontal center speaker above the screen creates an even bigger wall of sound effect than a vertical center above the screen which can sound great for movies but smears the front soundstage for well recorded music. A horizontal center speaker below the screen creates a more seamless soundstage for movies though not as big as above than a single or dual (side-by-side) vertical center but causes the same smearing for music. A dual vertical above and horizontal below center creates the biggest soundstage but also suffers from the smearing of music. The best of all worlds that I have found so far is a dual center vertical below (actually on the same plain as the mains) and horizontal above, selectable so the horizontal can be turned off for music and on for movies gives the best of all worlds. . . seamless music and huge front soundstage for movies (very “movie-theater-like”).

The only reason I haven’t purchased a VP180 for above my screen yet is that I have other additions which I think will add more to the mix and the fact that I will need to beef up the circuits feeding my AV room because they are already stretched to the limit with what I’ve got.

So yes it is overkill. You may find an extra subwoofer, Buttkicker, midbass module, curtains, or any number of other things would be a better use of the money but if you want what is IMO the ideal setup, especially if you have a large screen then dual vertical under horizontal over selectable for vertical only or both is the best of all worlds.

3M80 2M22 6QS8 2M2 1EP500 Sony BDP-S590 Panny-7000 Onkyo-3007 Carada-134 Xbox Buttkicker AS-EQ1