Well what i did was looking at Forums an kinda wanted to go the B&W route an kept seeing Axiom Vs Ascend starting thinking what the heck might jus have to order the Ascend cause for the money hard to Beat then started looking into the Axioms an kept seeing people really like them an thought heck they look way better than the Ascend's jus might give them a shot an after i seen free shipping kinda did me in but i Read an Read at the Spot an AVS Forum an a lotta people really liked em so i thought heck for $400 i will give them a shot figured if they was pretty good i found a diamond in the Rough , little did i know they were better than a Diamond in the Rough these things were great from the get go with Good Looks to boot. What really sold me was all the people that had Axiom's loved them no if's and's or But's

If You Are Gonna Do It , Do It Right !!!