It sounds better with Audyssey then without. If I wasn't lazy, I would manually measure everything and see how it would sound based on my measurements but, well lol. Not sure how accurate using an Iphone is for measuring SPL but I hear it can get close enough.

Based on what I can see, Audyssey has gotten the distances pretty accurately though except for the bass speaker. It's the same distance away as the FR but Audyssey has it a few feet further way.

I turned off all the Dynamic Compression/Loudness stuff but did turn on Dynamic EQ I think it was. Left Dynamic Volume off. Tested Audyssey LFC but didn't really notice this doing anything one way or the other, although, the wife didn't ask me to turn the TV down lol so maybe it did work.

Honestly, I didn't really notice much change with any of these settings. My wife laughs at me when I spend a lot of money on expensive stuff like this with so many bells and whistles. She says" why spend the money on bells and whistles when you can't hear the bells and whistles" lol. I am not deaf, just loss of hearing at certain frequencies. Conversation frequencies mostly smile

Sony STR-DN 1080