>> You’re in a good position cork. No hurry to purchase and lots of options.
Ha! You'd think; but it took me 4 months to decide on 'Cherry Chestnut'!

If the R-N803 had line out I'd definitely go that route. As it stands (and this is by no means my last word on it, not by a long-shot), I'm thinking a Yamaha WXC-50 with an ADA-1000. I'll mostly be using this to play CDs (and some HDTracks digital files) ripped to my NAS, and my wife will hit the internet radio now and again; so the WXC should be sufficient. I wanted to talk myself into one of those upgraded options, but I like taking a vacation this year too.

Thanks again everyone for all the advice. I won't be pulling the trigger until mid- to late-March; so if anythings strikes you until then, please post.