It's not that their terrible. They sound good in my small room. I got them used and they are now 8 years old. they are a fairly small cabinet, which is good on floorspace, but lacks the impact that a big unit has. This whole thing happened when I went to a customers house, and heard a rel stenator sub. I was, and still am in awe, but check out their price. I went home and have had a problem with my 2 ever since. I know that sounds stupid, but combine that with the fact that I am building my first house ever, and you start thnking upgrade time. The new room has a lot of total volume - cubic feet. I don't see me being happy with the 12" earthquakes. They are not as musical as I would like, in addition I have neighbor that wants to buy them, he is thrilled with them, but he's never heard anything good before. Throw in the right flick, and they can be very "booming" impressive if you have not compared others. I quess I am like a lot of people here, we replace idems that are perfectly "acceptable" you should know that better than anyone ---------- "neverhappy"

Sunfire amps & processor Sammy 50" Crown amp 2-SVS SS Maple Ultras, Axiom 60s,22s,150cc, QS8s