Just three main comments...
HD-DVD is not dead.
The war isn't over yet.
I wouldn't trust the word of a salesman at some place that falsely advertises to get you in the door to sell an "HD-DVD" player for $98 that is not an HD-DVD player (that is their source).

Who will "win" ??? I don't know or care, but it is far from over.

As for their ad, it is definately false advertising to sell an upconverting DVD player as an HD-DVD player. So no, they are not the same. Serach for upscaling, or upconverting here and you will get the scoop on that. It will make a DVD image more HD-like, but it will not magically turn it into a true HD image like some advertisements would like you to believe.

Farewell - June 4, 2020